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Fence for prison Electronic Monitoring System

Sep 06, 2023

The electronic monitoring system on Fence for prison can monitor and locate prisoners in the prison in real time. Through cameras and positioning devices installed on the fence, prison administrators can keep track of the movement and location of prisoners. This real-time monitoring and positioning capability helps to monitor the range of activities of prisoners, detect abnormalities in time, and improve prison security.

Fence for prison Electronic Monitoring System

Anti-escape and tracking capabilities:

Electronic monitoring systems can effectively prevent prisoners from escaping and provide reliable tracking capabilities. By monitoring the movement of prisoners near the fence, the system can sound an alarm and notify prison administrators in a timely manner. At the same time, using the positioning device, the location of the escaped prisoner can be quickly determined, which facilitates rapid arrest. This escape prevention and tracking capability is critical to maintaining security and order in prisons.

Fence for prison Electronic Monitoring System

Alarm and safety warning function:

The electronic monitoring system can provide alarm and security early warning functions to respond to potential security threats in a timely manner. For example, when a prisoner tries to climb over the fence or damage the fence, the system can automatically trigger an alarm, alerting prison administrators to take corresponding measures. In addition, the system can also monitor the regularity and abnormal behavior of prisoners, and help predict and prevent potential security risks through data analysis and early warning functions.


Video Archiving and Evidence Collection:

The electronic monitoring system can archive the video of activities around the Fence for prison, providing an important means of evidence collection. When security incidents or disputes occur, prison administrators can play back the videos to understand the development process and obtain key evidence. This video archiving and evidence collection function helps to enhance the transparency and legal effectiveness of prison management, ensuring a fair and lawful law enforcement process.

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