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Non-Lethal Deterrents: Exploring Options for Fence for prison Security

Sep 14, 2023

High-voltage power grids are a non-lethal threat that can be used to enhance the protective capabilities of Fence for Prison. By installing an electrical grid on top of the fence, high voltage current can be discharged in a non-lethal range and used to deter inmates from trying to climb or escape the fence. The presence of a high-voltage power grid provides a powerful deterrent that effectively reduces the risk of jailbreaking and fence-climbing.

Non-Lethal Deterrents: Exploring Options for Fence for prison Security

Anti-scrolling nets are another common non-lethal threat that can be used to enhance the security of Fence for Prison. It consists of barbed wire that is installed at the top of the fence or other easily climbed areas to prevent prisoners from trying to climb or climb over the fence. This non-lethal threat provides a physical barrier that forces inmates to abandon escape plans and provides additional time and opportunity for prison personnel to intervene.

Non-Lethal Deterrents: Exploring Options for Fence for prison Security

Infrared sensors are an advanced, non-lethal threat technology that can be used to monitor activity around fences. These sensors detect heat and infrared radiation from moving objects and sound an alarm when someone approaches the fence. Infrared sensors can increase the security of Fence for prison, providing real-time monitoring and alarm functions so that timely measures can be taken to prevent potential escapes.


HD camera surveillance is a common and effective non-lethal threat method for monitoring and recording activity around fences. By installing high-definition cameras at strategic locations within the enclosure, prison staff can observe inmate behavior in real time and record video evidence. This non-lethal threat can be used not only to monitor escapes but also to prevent conflicts and infractions among prisoners. High-definition camera surveillance provides an additional layer of security and supervision for prisons.

Pre:Maintenance and management of Fence for prison

Next:Fence for prison Maintenance: Preventive Strategies for Durability and Functionality

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