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Functional requirements of the prison intelligent security fence

Jul 17, 2019
Functional requirements of the prison intelligent security fence
(1) Friendly and simple operation display interface Because the system is oriented to different levels of users, the operation interface should be as simple, practical and beautiful as possible, and equipped with certain instructions for use, so that the user can master the system in the shortest time. method
(2) Inter-subsystem linkage In order to improve the comprehensive prevention capability of the supervisory office, it is necessary to achieve efficient integration of the security system. The main means is to strengthen the integration with other security subsystems to improve the early warning and prevention capabilities. If the alarm and video surveillance are linked, when an alarm occurs in the supervision area, the monitoring system can record the alarm condition, prompt the alarm information, and locate the alarm area. Enable the prison guard to get a quicker grasp of the situation on the ground. And the entire security system is extremely automated.
Functional requirements of the prison intelligent security fence
(3) Digital communication Traditional security systems mostly use analog communication, which has low communication efficiency and troublesome wiring. The biggest advantage of the digital communication method is that it is reflected in the transmission of audio and video data, which makes the video image more clear, and the system is more stable and more convenient to maintain. The digital processing is also more catering to the trend of the times.
(4) Unified management Because the security subsystems are managed independently and need to be logged into different systems for operation and maintenance, it is easy to cause management dispersal, troublesome operation, and difficult maintenance. Realizing the unified management of the system not only reduces the operational complexity of the management personnel, but also makes the system integrated and integrated as a whole.
Prison fence wire mesh technical specifications
It mainly uses different specifications of metal wire to be welded (woven) into a mesh shape, the main wire diameter is 4mm, 4.8mm, 5mm, 6mm. Mesh specifications for mesh processing are: 50X50mm, 70X150mm, 80x160mm, etc. The protective columns on both sides of the mesh adopt the national standard size: cylindrical: diameter 48mmX2mm round tube, diameter 60X3mm round tube, diameter 80mmX5mm round tube, etc.: square tube has 40X40mmX2.5mm, 48X48X3mm, 60X60X3mm and so on. Customers can purchase according to actual requirements.
The blade is a new type of protective equipment made of sharp pointed galvanized steel plate or stainless steel thin plate and wire made of core wire. The blade barbed wire has the effects of deterrence, anti-overturning, hard material, high strength and high tension. The unique design is not suitable for touch, so it can achieve excellent protection and isolation effect. The prison steel mesh wall also has the advantages of simple construction, economical and practical.

Pre:Security technology should use a variety of precautions

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