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What kind of barbed wire protection net is used in the prison?

Jul 17, 2019
What kind of blade barbed wire needs to be matched with the steel mesh wall of the Public Security Bureau Detention Center?
The blade barbed wire is an important part of the steel mesh wall of the Public Security Bureau Detention Center. It is also essential, as well as the mesh and the column. The quality of the product is reflected in what aspects?
1, check the various parts of the steel mesh wall of the Public Security Bureau Detention Center: blade barbed wire, mesh and column connection accessories, first check that these components are completely incomplete.
What kind of barbed wire protection net is used in the prison?
2, check the solder joints, the solder joints are excellent, and there is a place where the solder joints are leaked.
3, to avoid the occurrence of virtual welding. Virtual soldering primarily refers to soldering of solder that is not formed or partially alloyed. Fuxing wire mesh manufacturers believe that the reason for this phenomenon is mainly caused by factors such as the surface of the parts being unclean.
4. The solder joint has sufficient welding mechanical strength.
5, the solder joints are beautiful and generous, and even have a certain decorative nature, the solder joint surface is smooth, no angular or pointed phenomenon.
6, the blade of the knife gill net is sharp, stamping strength.
7. Whether the product is seriously damaged during the loading and unloading process.
The common specifications of the steel mesh wall of the Public Security Bureau detention center are as follows: The mesh material is made of Q235 carbon steel, 1. The grid size: 50mm×150mm, the dense grid type and three bends, plus the fixed frame 2. Mesh fixed frame: 20×20×1.5mm national standard square steel pipe, add a vertical medium scale 3, mesh diameter: 5mm, mesh size: 2000mm-2500mm (can be adjusted according to the actual available space). 4. Column specifications: Y-shaped column diameter 60mm × 60mm × 2.5mm square steel. 5. Connection between column and frame: anti-theft screw through connection. 6. Install the blade barbed wire at the top of the mesh: the core wire diameter is 2.5mm, the knife length is 21mm, the knife width is 15mm, and the diameter of the thorn ring is 500mm-600mm.

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