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Airport selection mesh fence

Jul 17, 2019
Airport guardrail selection basis
With the economic take-off, China's airport construction has entered a period of rapid development. At the same time, due to the unreasonable design, construction and management of drainage facilities, the problem of airport water damage and water damage has become increasingly serious, which has seriously affected the airport in China. development of. The groundwaters in mountainous airports are complex and variable. In order to improve the design level of drainage facilities in mountainous airports and give full play to the effectiveness of drainage facilities, it is necessary to carry out research on drainage technology of road bases in mountainous airports.
Airport selection mesh fence
Investigate the natural environment of the mountainous area where the airport site is located, and investigate the various diseases related to the drainage facilities by investigating the roadbed diseases in the mountainous airport, and analyze the causes of the diseases, and research and optimize the surface drainage design. Theory and method, summed up the design method of underground drainage and learned the lessons. Finally, based on the relevant principles of fuzzy evaluation, the rationality evaluation system of surface and underground drainage facilities was established.

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