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Note on the installation of barbed wire in special environment

Jul 17, 2019
Points to note when installing in a special environment
The ground is sloppy and messy, and it will have a relatively large impact on the installation. Especially in the fruit garden, this is especially common. The suggestion for this situation is to carry out the necessary cleaning before installing the barbed wire. .
Note on the installation of barbed wire in special environment
We all know that it is easy to have gaps after the ground is uneven, and if the position is too high, the barbed wire will directly contact the ground, and the ground humidity is relatively large, and the damage to the barbed wire is self-evident.
Before installing the answering parts and accessories, check whether the door is strong in the hole u. It should be ensured that the opening is flexible and the tight defects are closed. The RJ mounting parts and accessories must be adjusted. Do not loosen the assembly screws after tightening. The countersunk screws must not be higher than the surface of the part. The hardware parts should be tested according to the assembly test provided by the manufacturer before they can be fully installed.
Before installation, we can carry out simple cleaning, try to install the barbed wire after leveling the floor, which is both beautiful and durable.
How to purchase
Therefore, at this time, many individuals or some construction companies need to go through the purchase of the barbed fence network, so that they can use the most suitable mesh to carry out the floor heating. When making a choice, first check whether the mesh surface is flat. If the mesh surface is not flat, it will directly affect the laying of the floor heating, especially in the process of construction, there will be a lot of inconvenience. Therefore, such flatness of the mesh becomes very important.
Also, when purchasing, the welding firmness is very important. In fact, it is not only in the procurement of this product, but also in the procurement of products such as steel gratings, the same concerns should be paid to the welding stability of the mesh. If the welding is not strong enough, it will directly affect the use of this product, and even if there is a break, there will be problems in the laying of the floor heating.
Therefore, people nowadays need to pay attention to such points when they choose and purchase such floor heating nets. At the same time, we need to pay attention to the quality of this product, because it will directly affect the service life of the product, so only after such considerations can we make ourselves better.

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