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What is the difference between hot galvanized and cold galvanized?

Apr 16, 2020
What is the difference between hot galvanized and cold galvanized?
Galvanized chain link fence is divided into hot and cold galvanized, which one should be brighter?
What is the difference between hot galvanized and cold galvanized?
The galvanizing process of the hot-dip galvanized chain link fence is to ablate the zinc, and then immerse the cleaned into the zinc solution. The high-temperature zinc molecules are very talented and can be well combined with the chain link fence. The thickness of zinc is large, and the anti-corrosion function is better.
Cold galvanized chain link fence is a chemical reaction between zinc and chain link fence at room temperature through electrolysis. Generally, the amount of zinc on cold galvanized chain is lower, and the chain link fence is less functional in terms of corrosion protection than hot zinc.

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