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Choose welding fence

Jul 11, 2020
Choosing welded wire fence is not an easy task
For the selection of welding fence products, first we need the material of the mesh, because the quality of the material directly affects the quality and service life of the product, which is related to whether it can be used for 10-15 years.
Choose welding fence
1. Check the overall production process of the plastic impregnation of the mesh. It is required that the entire mesh of the fence should pay attention to the uniformity of the plastic powder and the quality of the paint.
2. The mesh is required to be strong and durable. Since the wire is welded, the diameter and strength of the wire directly affect the quality of the mesh. The wire selection should be made by welding or weaving the finished wire that must be drawn from high-quality wire rods. It requires workers to be proficient in using technology and operation ability. Generally, a good mesh is a good connection for every welding or preparation point. All are produced by fully automatic welding machine, so the quality can be guaranteed.
3. For the selection of the frame of the welded wire fence, check whether it is made of steel pipe and flat iron.
4. The choice of the welded fence fence column depends on whether the column is straight or broken. Whether the column with chassis is welded firmly.

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