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The service life of common fences

Jul 15, 2020
As usual, the service life of many fences is falling, caused by rust. This is particularly true for fences that exist in outdoor locations or in areas with heavy rainfall.
  How to reduce the appearance of this phenomenon is a problem of production, and changing the consumption data is the main method to reduce the corrosion of the fence. The current consumption information of the protective net is still expressed in metallic iron. Since this metal is cost-effective, it is also a simple disposal method. However, I used to hope for a quality.
The service life of common fences
  I hope to get more sales orders with non-rusting characteristics, then consumers choose to use new consumer materials, carbon steel and stainless steel and other materials can have good properties. Although the consumption cost can be improved, it can be completely offset by the sales volume of the product.
  Improvement of the consumer technology of the protective net is also the main way to improve product quality. For example, before the consumption and processing of metal wire, using galvanizing technology to process the metal wire into galvanized metal wire, and then can directly improve the performance of the product.

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