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Triangular bending fence

Jul 21, 2020
Triangular bending fence textile features: weaving, welding and bending.
Uses: Triangular bend fence nets have been widely used for decoration and protection of highways, highways, railways, airports, factories, factories, residential quarters, ports, municipal green spaces, garden flower beds, and green spaces.
Triangular bending fence
The advantages of triangular bending fence netting: Proper bending creates a unique aesthetic effect of this product, and the surface is treated with a variety of colors, such as yellow, green, red, and the column and the mesh are in different colors. It is even more pleasing to the eye. At the same time, this type of product mostly uses a column with a chassis, and the installation only needs to be installed with expansion bolts, which is very fast
Triangular bending fence netting features: high strength, good rigidity, beautiful appearance, wide field of vision, easy installation, bright and relaxed

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