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How to use the triangular bend fence

Jul 21, 2020
How to use the triangular bend fence: In the installation process of the triangular bend fence, the mesh and the column are installed in coordination with clips and screws.
Precautions for triangular bending fence:
How to use the triangular bend fence
1. When installing, the construction unit should accurately grasp the various construction drawings. For the exact location of various pipelines buried in the roadbed, no damage to underground facilities is allowed during the construction process.
2. If the column is driven too deep, the column must not be pulled out for correction, and its foundation needs to be re-consolidated before driving in, or adjust the position of the column. Pay attention to controlling the hammering force when approaching the depth during construction. For railway guardrails, flanges should be installed. Pay attention to the positioning of the flanges and the control of the elevation of the top of the column. 3. It is the installation project of railway safety facilities and an important part of the appearance quality of expressways. The inherent quality of railway fence netting lies in the raw materials and processing process. Its appearance quality depends on the construction process. During construction, attention should be paid to the combination of construction preparation and pile driver, and continuous summing up of experience and strengthening construction management are the guarantee of installation quality.

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