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Galvanized Chain Link Fence-Anti-corrosion

Aug 17, 2020
Can chain link fence be anti-corrosion after galvanizing?
This is very different from the oxidation of steel, so zinc has much better spread resistance than steel. In fact, when making a purchase, I still remind everyone to go to some markets to buy, so that you can purchase the products that suit your needs. The current market is also relatively messy, so a good pvc fence market is the key.
Galvanized Chain Link Fence-Anti-corrosion
The products of galvanized chain link fence after zinc corrosion are very dense and the reaction speed is very slow, which means that the overall corrosion resistance is greatly improved. This method of preservation is called sacrificial preservation. Become a fine powder evenly distributed.
The significance of galvanized chain link fence is that after the surface of the iron wire or steel wire is covered with a galvanized layer, the corrosion resistance is greatly improved, which can save materials and resources, and exert good economic and environmental benefits.

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