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What are the requirements for the choice of fence

Mar 11, 2021
         According to the application, fence nets are generally divided into highway fence nets, railway fence nets, rearing fence nets, sports fence nets, enclosure fence nets, workshop storage fence nets, etc. These classifications are not a fixed kind of fence net products, but It is often used as a fence of many varieties of that kind. As a result, you only need to know the types and characteristics of commonly used fence nets in these classifications to be able to choose for your own use.
   Both sides wire fence: often closed or semi-closed for maintenance on both sides of the road to avoid traffic inconvenience caused by random revenue and expenditure such as vehicles, pedestrians, and livestock. The most widely used is the highway barrier net. The characteristic is low cost and high cost performance.
  Structural fence: often used for closing and maintenance on both sides of the railway, to avoid traffic inconvenience caused by random revenue and expenditure of vehicles, pedestrians, and livestock. The characteristic is to consolidate economics and not be afraid of wind and rain.
  Structural fence netting: The commonly used structural fence netting on railways is divided into two types: straight frame fence netting and bending structure fence netting. The straight-frame fence is not outstanding at the top, nor does it have a 30-degree bend, while the bent structure fence has a 30-degree bend at the top and is superior to the outside of the frame. They are characterized by more consolidation and use, which are reflected in the appearance of smaller meshes, thicker wire diameters, and larger frame wall thicknesses.
What are the requirements for the choice of fence
  welded wire mesh fence: It is a very weak fence on the market. It is being squeezed into various fields. It is characterized by high cost performance, greater height, and beautiful lines. The column can be a peach-shaped column or a general column.

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