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The Gabion box /Gabion mesh

Jun 29, 2021

The Gabion box /Gabion mesh can hold stones of different sizes and shapes together to form a whole. It can be used not only in dikes, rivers, but also in roads, railways, construction and other fields.
The Gabion box /Gabion mesh

1. The Gabion mesh craft only needs to put the stone into the cage and seal it, no special technique is needed, and the construction is very simple.

2. The combination of engineering measures and plant measures adopted in the gabion technique can effectively prevent soil erosion, and the landscape effect is more natural and richer.

3. The Gabion mesh has a process life of several decades, a long service life, and generally does not require maintenance.
The Gabion box /Gabion mesh

4. The structure is inherently water-permeable, and has a strong tolerance for the natural and filtering effects of groundwater. The silt in the water can be precipitated, which is conducive to the growth of natural plants and gradually restores the original ecological environment.

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