Tools & Materials
Measuring Tape
Post Hole Digger
Carpenter's Level
Fence Stretcher
Chalk Line
Concrete Mix
Fence Fabric, Posts and Other Materials
Step 1
Locate your property's boundary lines. It's recommended that all posts be set approximately 4 inches inside the property line so that concrete footings don't encroach onto any adjoining property.
Step 2
Measure the overall length of your planned fence to determine how many feet of chain-link fabric and top rail will be required .
Step 3
Mark the location of each terminal post (corner, end and gateposts are called terminal posts) with a stake. When determining the positions of gateposts, remember that clearance for hinges, latches, etc., is included in the listed opening width of the gate. Therefore, if you ordered a gate for a 36-inch opening, the post spacing should be exactly 36 inches, inside post face to inside post face.
358 Fence: The Ultimate Security Solution for High-Risk Areas
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Durable and Secure Airport Fencing Solutions for Maximum Protection
The Ultimate Guide to Airport Fencing: Ensuring Security and Safety
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