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Guidelines for Installing Double Wire Mesh Fencing

Sep 25, 2024

When installing a double wire mesh fence, also known as a double wire mesh fence, you generally follow a similar process to installing other types of mesh fences. Here are general guidelines for installing a double wire mesh fence:

Prepare the area:

Mark the fence line and clear the area of ​​any debris or obstructions.

Make sure there are no underground utilities in the installation area.
Guidelines for Installing Double Wire Mesh Fencing

Set corner and end posts:

Dig holes for the corner and end posts, making sure they are deep and properly spaced.

Screw the posts into the concrete, making sure they are aligned vertically.

Install intermediate posts:

Dig holes for the intermediate posts at regular intervals along the fence line.

Screw the intermediate posts into the concrete, making sure they are level.

Install brackets and panels:

Attach brackets to the posts to hold the panels in place.

Install the double wire mesh panels between the posts and secure with the appropriate fasteners.

Secure the panels:

Make sure the panels are aligned horizontally.

Secure the panels to the posts and brackets with the appropriate fasteners.

Install top rails (optional):

Depending on the design, you may want to install a top rail for added stability.

Secure the top rails to the posts and panels.

Adding a Gate:

Install gate posts and attach gate double wire mesh panels and accessories.

Make sure gate operates properly and securely.

Inspect and Adjust:

Inspect stability and alignment of entire fence.

Make any necessary adjustments to ensure fence is secure and level.

Finishing Touches:

Trim excess mesh if needed.

Inspect fence for any sharp edges or protruding wire that could pose a safety hazard.

Always refer to the manufacturer's specific installation instructions for your double wire fence system, as installation methods may vary depending on the design and specifications of the fence product.

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