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Briefly describe the installation steps of the bridge fencing

Jun 10, 2019
Briefly describe the installation steps of the bridge guardrail
It is well known that the purpose of the bridge guardrail is to prevent the out-of-control vehicle from getting out of the bridge, and to have the function of preventing the vehicle from breaking through, going through, crossing the bridge, and beautifying the bridge building. How should the bridge guardrail be installed? Let's take a look at the bridge guardrail manufacturer. Preparation: Please prepare a worksheet. Install waterproof cracks.
Briefly describe the installation steps of the bridge fencing
Install a PTE waterproof crack on one side of the length of the railway classification hole. Install the fixed vertical line: put the size of the bar on the workbench and the waterproof pad to the uniform side. A fixed vertical pole opposite the waterproof pad is worn by the railroad. Tighten the screws: Tighten the screws clockwise to tighten the screws to secure the shaft and the rod frame.
Normal installation: The vertical rod with two holes at the bottom of the stem is inserted in the same direction in the bar. Install the upper and lower cards: the upper card of the calorie, the card header card. Install the card first. Insert the fragment U to open the vertical line on one side. Use a special clamp ejector pin to clamp the card slot position and automatically pop open. Then the card is installed according to law. When the installation error can also be washed away with a screwdriver vertical line clip. Assembly completed: After completing the sequence, check whether each vertical line is fixed and complete the assembly work.




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