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How to guarantee the quality of the iron horse guardrail?

Jun 15, 2019
How to guarantee the quality of the iron horse guardrail?
Iron horse guardrails are iron or steel fences built through art planning. According to the materials used, it can be divided into thorn wire fence, electric fence, stake fence, biological fence, barbed wire fence, trench fence, earth wall fence, stone wall fence, Liuba fence, PVC fence, cement fence and so on.
How to guarantee the quality of the iron horse guardrail?
1. Strictly implement the engineering quality standards. The type, standard, model and thickness of the iron horse guardrail must meet the engineering and planning requirements. The welding joint is fully welded and smoothed and smoothed. It is beautiful, the manufacturing scale is accurate, and the products are horizontal and vertical, which meets the planning requirements and inspection standards.
2. In the process of construction of the iron horse guardrail, the technicians will carry out inspections and timely correct the problems of illegal operation at the construction site. Propose quality rectification orders and quality problem change measures to ensure that project quality meets planning requirements and inspection standards.
3. Before the construction workers are employed, they shall carry out the education of professional technology and safe and civilized construction according to their different jobs.
4, iron horse guardrail material requirements: all materials and products into the field, must have a material list, quality assurance book.


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