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Lawn fencing installation tips

Jun 15, 2019
On the roadsides of the day, you can often see some lawn guardrails. The following is a brief introduction to the installation of common sense.
Lawn fencing installation tips
1. The quality of the guardrail strips is made of different standard wire rods (wires). The diameter and strength of the wire rods directly affect the quality of the mesh sheets. In the selection of silk, the quality should be selected by regular manufacturers. Finished wire drawn from the wire rod
Followed by the welding or preparation process of the mesh, this aspect mainly depends on the skilled technical and operational ability between the technician and the good production machine. Generally, the good guardrail strip can be well connected to each welding or preparation point. Some of Anping's regular fences are produced in large factories, all of which are made by automatic welding machines. The small factories use hand-made welding, and the quality is difficult to maintain.
2. The quality of the guardrail column and frame, the pillar and frame of the guardrail are also a place that is relatively lower. Some regular large factories use angle steel and round steel, but the angle steel and round steel used in different parts should also be different. .
3, the overall control of the spray protection of the lawn guardrail, in general, the whole network should pay attention to the uniformity of the spray, and the quality of the paint is also crucial, once again the management of the spray process and the advanced level of equipment .


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