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fencing welding process requirements

Jun 15, 2019
The development of industrial production puts forward various requirements for welding skills. For example, in the use of welding products, various requirements such as dynamic load, toughness, high pressure, high temperature, low temperature and corrosion resistance are proposed; . From the structural form of welding products, the requirements for welding thick-walled parts to fine parts are proposed. From the selection of welding materials, various steel materials and non-ferrous metals are welded (other metals other than steel are called non-ferrous metals). ) requirements.
fencing welding process requirements
Specifically, in shipbuilding and marine development, it is required to deal with the welding of large-area panels, large-scale three-dimensional frame structures, and the welding of various low-alloy high-strength steels; in the development of the petrochemical industry, it is required to handle high temperature resistance. Low temperature and pressure vessel manufacturing problems resistant to various corrosive media; in the aerospace industry and space development, it is required to deal with the production of a large number of light alloy structures such as aluminum and titanium; in the heavy machinery industry, it is required to deal with the welding problems of large cross-section members. In the electronics and fine instrumentation industry, it is required to deal with the welding problems of micro-fine parts.
High-speed fences require small welds and uniform welds. In short, on the one hand, the development of industrial production puts higher demands on welding skills; on the other hand, the development of scientific skills has opened up new avenues for the advancement of welding skills. In order to get used to the needs of China's modernization, welding skills will be more agile and play a more important role in industrial production.



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