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welded wire mesh pool fence-Circle corn net

Jul 03, 2019
In view of the problem of storage after corn harvesting, the welded wire mesh is welded together to form a "circle", fully utilizing the space, expanding the use space of the storage, and facilitating the preservation of the product.
welded wire mesh pool fence-Circle corn net
Corn drying, ventilation, storage is a good production of Lu, has been widely used in Shandong, Northeast, Henan and other major grain main products, its product features: the use of this product is round, to save space, strong and beautiful, more It is easy to cover in rainy days.
The corn mesh of the circle is flat, the mesh is uniform, the welding points are firm, the local machining performance is good, and the corrosion resistance is good. The ring is used for ring corn, which is beneficial to the corn to be air-dried and reduce the floor space. It is easy to cover under the rain and snow, and avoid the mildew and deterioration of the corn.
Circle corn net derivative words: circle corn welded wire mesh _ galvanized ring corn welded wire mesh _ circle corn wire mesh _ hot galvanized ring corn welded wire mesh.
Common specifications for the ring corn net: The ring corn net is made by welding high quality wire. Mesh 2 inch, 2*3 inch, 2*4 inch (5*5cm, 5*7cm, 5*10cm) height 1.2m to 1.7m, wire 1.5mm to 2.3mm. The ring is used for ring corn, which is beneficial to the corn to be air-dried and reduce the floor space. It is easy to cover under the rain and snow, and avoid the mildew and deterioration of the corn.

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