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razor wire installation note

Jul 23, 2019
The blade barbed wire has 3-7 buckles every 2 turns, and it is a circle phase card. When it is pulled open, it forms a spiral shape. When stretching, be sure to wear protective gloves to prevent scratches. When you open it, you only need to fix one side of the gill net, then pull it in the opposite direction. Note that the spacing of the holes is not too large, otherwise it will affect the aesthetic effect. When you receive it, you only need to send it back slowly. It is easy to operate and convenient to construct.
razor wire installation note
During the installation process, the blade can be used according to the length of the fence. How many Y-shaped brackets are actually used, generally 5~10 meters is suitable. The Y-shaped brackets are fixed on the wall, wherein the Y-shaped brackets can be carried out according to actual conditions. Punching, when installing the gill net, plays a fixed role. After that, pull a wire on each side of the Y-bracket to fix the gill net to avoid swaying.

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