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The role of railway guardrails

Jul 23, 2019
Even if the wind and the rain hit, the train was crushed, the railway guardrails were always stuck in their posts, never complained, obscured, and selflessly dedicated their lives. When you are comfortably sitting on a high-speed rail, your invisible places, countless railway guardrails are standing against the scorching sun, sweating and maintaining the lines, day after day, year after year. They did not shout, they would not back down, and risked their lives to stay in their posts. They are like the warriors who sit in the mountains of the motherland, and regard selfless dedication, persistence, commitment and responsibility as the lofty beliefs in their hearts.
The role of railway guardrails
Originally thought that the railway guardrails are dressed in clean formal uniforms, it is so easy to stand up every day. Waiting for the new guardrail friends to join and understand the real deeds around them, completely subvert their views. Like a dragon on the rails of the land of China, there are a group of railway guardrails that are calm and introverted, responsible and responsible.

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