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Road fencing guards urban traffic safety

Aug 09, 2019
To protect the city's traffic safety, on the Yihua Highway leading to Taihua in Yichang City on August 01 this year, a white Mercedes-Benz slammed into the isolation barrier in the middle of the road, almost with a large truck coming in from the opposite side. Kissing and kissing, after the driver Wang said that because of driving fatigue, fortunately, the roads on the road were isolated from the guardrail, and then the loss must be heavy. According to informed sources, since the installation last year, the traffic accident on the road has dropped significantly.
Road fencing guards urban traffic safety
There are more and more people driving now, and there are still many road killers. Various uncivilized phenomena occur frequently, and they can turn around at random, stop at random, steal the road, and wear the sidewalk.
Installed, it is our safety guarantee. Greatly reduced the random turn, casual parking, stealing the road, wearing the crosswalk, greatly reducing the chance of accidents.

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