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Precautions for the installation of galvanized fences mesh in the community?

Aug 09, 2019
When the community is installed at the construction site, it is accurately installed in place according to the position and size specified on the drawings to determine the elevation and vertical flatness.
Of course, the construction process is carried out in accordance with consumer requirements and design drawings to ensure that the final installation meets the acceptance criteria.
Precautions for the installation of galvanized fences mesh in the community?
The installation of embedded parts and communities must be firm, and the deviations must also meet the national regulations and design requirements, and meet the acceptance criteria.
The installation of the embedded parts is accurately and correctly positioned according to the design requirements of the drawings and the actual conditions of the construction site, so as to avoid being in a parallel line.
After the installation is completed, the joints are smoothed and brushed with two anti-rust paints. After the experience is received, the surface is treated consistently.
The embedded parts are installed accurately and correctly. After the experience, the two anti-rust paints are brushed and then the wall is installed.
In the process of installation and transportation of the fence, in order to prevent damage from scratches, packaging protection should be provided.

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