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Standard and parameters of zinc steel guardrail

Aug 22, 2019
The base material of the zinc steel balcony guardrail consists of six layers, which are:
(1) Base steel: base material, hardness value of 159 DPN;
Standard and parameters of zinc steel guardrail
(2) Zeta steel layer: a dense alloy layer closest to the substrate, complex structure, strong corrosion resistance, combined with FeZn7 and FeZn13, hardness value of 211 DPN, containing Fe 7% - 11%;
(3) Delta layer (Delta layer): significantly monoclinic columnar structure, Fe content of 6%, non-toxic, corrosion-resistant, hardness value of 179 DPN;
(4) Eta layer: dense hexagonal crystal system, deformation processing is not easy to break, zinc purity is 98.5%, hardness value is 70DPN;
(5) High zinc phosphating layer: has good corrosion resistance and enhances the adhesion of the coating film to the substrate;
(6) Color-free molecular high-temperature curing layer: excellent anti-corrosion performance and impact resistance, excellent anti-ultraviolet, anti-oxidation and surface self-cleaning performance, the color change rate is less than 5% in 15 years.

Pre:Some basic knowledge of zinc steel guardrails

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