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Maintenance of road mesh fence

Aug 22, 2019
At this stage, the safety of the road traffic environment has become an important topic of general concern and concern at all levels of society. Among them, the analysis of safety performance can alleviate and reduce various economic losses and personnel casualties brought to the country and society in various types of traffic accidents.
Maintenance of road mesh fence
For the maintenance of road guardrails with more serious damage, the guardrail board needs to be corrected; the bolts need to be replaced or filled; the anti-blocking blocks need to be replaced or replaced; the other components of the road guardrail need to be replaced; the construction machinery should be used to set the road guardrail to the foundation of the road surface. Confidence.
For the maintenance of road guardrails with particularly serious damage, it is necessary to replace the guardrail and other members of the road guardrail; the road guardrail columns and other components need to be replaced.

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