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About the development prospects of reinforced mesh

Jan 06, 2020
In the early 1990s, the welded steel mesh was listed as a key promotion project by the State Science and Technology Commission and the Ministry of Construction, and national standards and regulations were formulated. China's infrastructure development has developed rapidly, and the state's investment in infrastructure has continued to grow; the strategy of developing the western region has been implemented.
About the development prospects of reinforced mesh
The country's economic construction has entered a new stage, and the basic construction of energy, transportation, water conservancy, housing, and municipal engineering, etc., will definitely increase the demand for welded steel mesh. Its market application prospect is very broad; rebar welded mesh is suitable for industrialization and large-scale production, is a new industry with high efficiency, meeting environmental protection requirements, and adapting to the development trend of industrialization of the construction industry.
Reinforcing steel bar construction is the trend of the world's steel bar industry. Reinforced mesh, a new type of reinforcement, is particularly suitable for large-area concrete projects. The widespread and rapid application of cold-drawn ribbed steel bars and hot-rolled tertiary steel bars in China provides a good material basis for the development of welded meshes.
的 The formal implementation of welded wire product standards and usage rules has played a positive role in improving product quality and accelerating the promotion and application. China's market has great potential for steel mesh demand. Reinforced mesh is aesthetically pleasing.

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