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What is the identification basis of zinc steel fence

Mar 12, 2020
The basis for the identification of non-quality grade zinc steel guardrails. From the quality requirements of zinc steel guardrails, the inspection mainly includes two aspects, one is the appearance quality, and the other is the quality inspection. Appearance quality includes packaging, size specifications, weight, surface appearance, etc .; quality inspection includes galvanization amount, mechanical properties, chemical composition, etc. Therefore, inspection and appraisal of non-quality products are also considered based on these aspects.
(1) Packaging: Observe whether the goods are export-standard packaging, simple packaging or naked packaging; the packaging is complete or damaged. Generally speaking, the packaging of high-quality products is relatively complete; however, it cannot be considered unilaterally that the incomplete packaging is non-quality products.
What is the identification basis of zinc steel fence
(2) Specifications: Whether the specifications of the entire batch of goods are consistent, and whether the nominal size of the goods label is consistent with the actual size of the goods. For high-quality products, the specifications are mostly the same.
(3) Weight: including tare weight and net weight. Check whether the weight of the whole batch meets the contract requirements.
(4) Appearance: Observe whether there are defects on the surface of the goods that have an impact on use.

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