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Installation Features of Temporary Guardrails

Mar 25, 2020
Temporary railings are easy to install: using plug-in installation, quick and easy, and securely fixed. Beautiful appearance: with white, blue, red, green and other colors, colorful and strong decorative, can be used in combination with other materials guardrail.
Installation Features of Temporary Guardrails
Temporary guardrail features: The landscape guardrail does not fade, yellow, peel, peel, crack, foam or moth, does not require daily maintenance, and does not pollute the environment. It is the best choice for landscape guardrails.
Guardrail anti-aging: use at -50 ℃ to 70 ℃ without discoloration, corrosion resistance, high strength, no rust, beautiful and elegant, ensuring no fading for 10 years, anti-aging.

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