The deer fence and field fence difference is the knot. Deer fence is the fixed knot, and field fence is hinge knot. Deer fence is very popular in American. Deer fence is w ...
The post for roll top fence BRC fence are square post, round post and rectangular post. The connection of the roll top fence panel and square post/rectangular post are cli ...
There are bends on the top and bottom of the fence panel, so the fence called roll top fence or BRC fence . The roll top fence or BRC fence is very popular in Singapore. B ...
To enhance the safety of the chain link fence and 358 anti climb fence , generally we will install the razor wire on the top of the chain link fence and 358 anti climb fen ...
The cattle fence and sheep fence all is welded by the round tube, square tube or oval tube. The difference of the cattle fence and sheep fence is the height. The cattle is ...