Why the anti climb fence or clear view fence also named 358 high security fence ? Because of the wire diameter is BWG8, mesh opening 3x0.5, that is too say the mesh openin ...
The surface treatment of the 358 anti climb fence is hot dipped galvanized after welded or galvanized then powder coated. 1. About the hot dipped galvanized after welded 3 ...
The roll top fence also named BRC fence. Because there are bend on the fence top and bottom so it is called roll top fence. The popular post for the toll top fence is roun ...
We are the professional factory of the Canada temporary fence . We can provide solution of the fence system. As we all know, if long time use of the Canada Temporary Fence ...
The steel picket fence is made by different outside diameter vertical and horizontal tube. Generally, the horizontal tube is thicker then the vertical tube. The tube all i ...