In view of the problem of storage after corn harvesting, the welded wire mesh is welded together to form a circle, fully utilizing the space, expanding the use space of th ...
Generally speaking, the railways on both sides of the railway are taller and stronger than the road fence network. Therefore, the pillars of the railway fence network are ...
围栏网的功用特征:1、围栏网具有外形美丽、拼装简练、强度高、钢性好、视界宽广等特征。2、围栏网片选用冷拔低碳钢丝焊接而 ...
In recent years, we have introduced the most pre-emptive mesh all-active computer welding network unit, single-point machine, large-scale mesh bending machine and other au ...
The use of wrought iron fences is now very common, ranging from small households to gates and courtyards, to roads and railways, to rivers and rivers, and everywhere. How ...