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Wire for chain link fence

Jun 01, 2021

Chain link fence is the most popular fence all over the world. There are 3 kinds of wire can bu used for weaving chain link fabric: galvanized wire, pvc coated wire, stainless stell wire.

Wire for chain link fence

Stainless steel wire has highest anti rust performance, so of course it very expensive. There are #304, #304L, #316, #316L stainless steel wire. If the chain link fence will be used near sea, then you can consider this material. Because no matter galvanized wire or pvc coated wire is easy be rusty near the sea.


Galvanized wire is the most common used wire. It is pided two classes: electronic galvanized and hot dipped galvanized. Electronic galvanized wire has appr 15-20g/m²zinc, hot dipped galvanized has appr 30-40g/m²zinc. So obviously hot dipped galvanized wire has better anti corrosion performance.

Wire for chain link fence

PVC coated wire is also common used. The wire before pvc coating can be black steel wire, electronic galvanized wire and hot dipped galvanized wire. Normally it is electronic wire + pvc coating.

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