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What is the Best Fence for Your Livestock?

Apr 26, 2021
What is the Best Fence for Your Livestock?
What is the best fence for your livestock? In the past your fencing options where very limited…wood panels, maybe a fence made of stone? How about that trusty barbed wire!? Well, today we are fortunate to have many more sensible options available. Although the history of fences is exciting, it’s rewarding to see how far advancements in agriculture have come. We are no longer stuck with using one single type of fence for all types of livestock. We now have the option to customize our fences to meet the needs of our animals. Each species of animal has a certain set of needs to either contain them safely or keep them out effectively. Linkland Fencing is an industry leader in fence advancements, and we are proud to say we have the right type of fence for any of your animal needs- big or small, pets or livestock, horses or exotics, we have it all.
What is the Best Fence for Your Livestock?
Electric Net Fencing 

Electric netting is alsovery durable and easy to install. With no tools needed, anyone can easily set up the net and tear it down. We recommend keeping your nets electrified for maximum protection of your birds. Electric nets are only 164’ long. Since they have such a short length, you will only need a 0.25-joule energizer to electrify it. We offer a variety of nets in multiple colors and heights. For poultry, it is best to use fence that is 3 ½” line spacing and at least 40” high.  

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