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Explain in detail the construction procedures and specifications of the Steel Picket Fence net

Aug 15, 2023


(1)Determine the length and height of the Steel Picket Fence as required and use the measuring tool for accurate measurements.

(2)Determine the layout of the Steel Picket Fence as required, including determining the position and angle of the Steel Picket Fence.

(3)Select the appropriate steel material and determine the required specifications, such as the mesh size of the Steel Picket Fence and the thickness of the steel.

Explain in detail the construction procedures and specifications of the Steel Picket Fence net

Install Steel Picket Fence Columns

(1)Use the marker tool to mark the location of the Steel Picket Fence posts on the ground.

(2)The depth of the hole in the Steel Picket Fence should be determined according to the height of the Steel Picket Fence and the soil conditions.

(3)Use a spirit level for calibration. The holes are then filled with concrete to secure the Steel Picket Fence posts to the ground.

Explain in detail the construction procedures and specifications of the Steel Picket Fence net

Install Steel Picket Fence Mesh

(1)Making the Steel Picket Fence net: According to the determined size and specifications, cut the steel material into an appropriate size.

(2)Use Steel Picket Fence connectors to connect Steel Picket Fence mesh to Steel Picket Fence posts. Make sure the Steel Picket Fence mesh fits snugly and is securely installed.

(3)As needed, install crossbeams between Steel Picket Fence posts to enhance the stability and structural strength of the Steel Picket Fence.

Explain in detail the construction procedures and specifications of the Steel Picket Fence net

(1)Carefully inspect every part of the Steel Picket Fence to ensure it is installed correctly and securely. Adjust and fix as necessary.

(2)Surface treatment of Steel Picket Fence, such as spraying anti-rust paint or galvanizing treatment, to increase the durability and anti-corrosion performance of Steel Picket Fence.

(3)Clean up the construction area to remove debris and construction debris.
Explain in detail the construction procedures and specifications of the Steel Picket Fence net


(1)Steel Picket Fence height: generally between 3 and 6 feet, determined according to safety requirements and usage scenarios.

(2)Common mesh sizes are 2 to 4 inches, depending on the size of the object to be controlled.

(3)According to the height and safety requirements of Steel Picket Fence, the common steel thickness is 12 to 16 gauge.

(4)Generally 6 to 8 feet, determined according to the length and structure of Steel Picket Fence.


By following the above construction procedures and specifications, a strong and durable Steel Picket Fence can be constructed for security and border control purposes.

Pre:Design principle of Steel Picket Fence

Next:Detailed explanation of Steel Picket Fence size standard

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