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Welded wire mesh fence that will never be eliminated

Mar 23, 2021
Welded wire mesh fence will not be eliminated at any time, because the role of welded wire mesh fence determines that its market will only grow larger. The main function and effect of welded wire mesh fence is to protect the site, for example, fence nets on highways, school fences and so on.
Some people may worry about whether the safety and quality of welded wire mesh fence can withstand acid and alkali corrosion. Highway fence nets are inevitably polluted by exhaust gas all year round on highways, and many chemical components in the exhaust gas, once combined with the surrounding water vapor or other elements, are very likely to corrode the fence. However, the fence is highly efficient, so there is no need to worry too much about the corrosion of the fence during use.
Welded wire mesh fence that will never be eliminated
The fence net used in school, because the target group is students, so the fence net is easy to be climbed or destroyed by the students, and if one place is damaged, it will not develop to other places. This particularly tests the durability of the fence.

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