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Welding mesh fence features, materials, advantages, uses

Jan 30, 2019
Features of welded mesh fence: mesh with bright colors, widely used in exhibitions, sample racks, etc.
Welded mesh fence material: low carbon steel wire, electro galvanized wire, electro plated zinc wire.
Advantages of welded mesh fence: strong welding, uniform mesh, flat mesh surface, corrosion resistance, high strength and strong protection.
Use of welded mesh fence: This product is widely used in industry, agriculture, aquaculture, construction, transportation, mining and so on. Such as machine guards, animal fences, flower fences, window guards, channel fences, poultry cages, egg baskets and home office food baskets, paper baskets and decorations. Ordinary welded mesh can be used in the construction industry partition fence, and is an ideal material for high-rise new buildings.
 Welding mesh fence features, materials, advantages, uses
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